Edutechnicalities Podcast Episode 02 - Bonnie Stewart

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Navigating The Landscape of Scholarship Expectations

As part of our special series on emergent scholarship, Dr. Bonnie Stewart of The University of Windsor (Canada) discussed her research of networked publics and the intersectionality between the activity of a scholar and the production and dissemination of scholarship. In this we discussed the difficulties for more traditional practitioners and accreditory bodies to engage the scholarship coming from these domains, in part because of the incongruence between historical models of scholarship production and emergent forms of communication and collaboration.

About Bonnie Stewart

Bonnie Stewart is an Assistant Professor of Online Pedagogy and Workplace Education at the University of Windsor. In an era of rapid change and increasing complexity, Bonnie’s work investigates the intersections of knowledge, technology, and identity within educational programming and policy. Her administrative, scholastic and blogging work can be found at

In abundance: Networked participatory practices as scholarship

Bonnie's 2015 research highlighting Boyer as a framework for understanding the future of scholarship, In Abundance, looks at the distinctive of faculty as aggregators and purveyors of knowledge and how their engagement in learning publics is a foundation for emergent scholarship. Bonnie's 2017 work in The Digital Academic is a strong continuation of our conversation on the nature of scholarly publics.

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