Edutechnicalities Podcast Episode 05 - David Kernohan

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Amplifying Scholarship: The Medium is the Massage

As part of our special series on emergent scholarship, David Kernohan of Wonkhe (UK) discussed his experiences as a developer, collaborator, designer and amplifier of scholastic production. How does the manner in which knowledge is created relate to its engagement in culture and society, where is higher education improving in amplifying research and practice to a wider audience, and where are the areas more improvement is needed?

About David Kernohan

David Kernohan is Associate Editor of Wonkhe. His key areas of wonkishness include teaching quality enhancement policy, funding policy, sector agency politics and history, research policy, and the use of technology and data in Higher Education. His blogging and critical approaches to educational technology can be found at


As Associate Editor, David is involved in conceptualizing, developing, producing, amplifying and aggregating educational information on the relationship of higher education with general society, often in an effort to take existing scholarship and provide it to a wider audience. He is also one of Wonkhe's most prolific writers on the intersection of higher education and general society.

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A New Order

Alongside his popular blog Followers of the Apocalypse, David has published a selection of essays providing a critical perspective on common trends and topics in education. Available through Lulu.

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