Edutechnicalities Podcast Episode 00 - About Emergent Scholarship

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A Non-Linear Exploration on an Historically Linear Platform

This special podcast series on emergent scholarship is designed to inform, advise and inspire higher education constituencies in their approach to and actions involving the production and dissemination of scholarship, with a keen eye on what we have defined as emergent scholarship, or scholarship of historic rigor but not historically considered or valued by governing bodies. These podcasts are entry points into the conversation; you can start with the first one or engage based on topic or guest, and can access as few or as many as you desire. The hope is to develop a foundational understanding of the topic, its current trajectory, and manners in which progress in supporting emergent scholarship can unfold.

About The Host

Dr. Rolin Moe is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Academic Innovation at Seattle Pacific University. His research sits at the confluence of technological engagement, educational methodology and sociocultural values. As a practitioner, his work seeks to not only inform and develop but to model practice through high-quality interaction. More on Rolin can be found at

Scholarship Reconsidered Reconsidered

Randall Bowden's 2007 essay on the impact, opportunities and obstacles surrounding more engaged support of Ernest Boyer's work is a strong starting point for understanding why emergent forms of scholarship still lack widespread acceptance.

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Defining Innovation - A Model of Emergent Scholarship

Another experiment in expanding modes and methods for scholarship while modeling practice was Rolin's Defining Innovation academic innovation literature review museum exhibition series, part of the OLC Innovate conference from 2016-2018. Each of the three years dealt with one time period of innovation in education: the past (2016), present (2017) and future (2018).

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